Jonnux - Project Website - Click here to go to the project

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1. What is Jonnux?
2. Requirements
3. Installation
4. Support
5. Other

1. What is Jonnux?

Jonnux is a Python powered command line interpreter. What does this mean? This means that Jonnux basically 'interprets' text commands via the command line and executes a corresponding action. Jonnux uses a text interface and is executed through the command line. Jonnux, aswell as it's own actions, can interpret and execute system commands such as 'sudo'. Jonnux can be handy because we are an active project and new useful features and commands are being implimented all the time for the next release. Jonnux isn't big, it is only 1 or 2 python files meaning that it is portable. Usage on a memory stick is supported. Also, running Jonnux from a memory stick (providing that you are running it on a Linux machine) is supported.

2. Requirements

To run Jonnux you require:
3. Installation

Running Jonnux doesn't really require an installation. To run Jonnux simply enter the terminal and type
python [file location]

for example

python desktop/Jonnux_1.0.4/

This will run Jonnux from source, if ran correctly you should be greeted with a Jonnux welcome message. If you encounter any errors or have any questions or queries, please head to the tracker on the main project site.

4. Support

If you want help with any aspect of the use of Jonnux please head over to the tracker or email me on the project page. We are always willing to answer questions. On the project page you can also submit a support ticket.

5. Other
If you have any bugs, please report them via the project site.

Thanks, Jonny